Monday, November 5, 2012

Old Penang RS Restaurant

My fiancee and I have been trying different restaurants during our monthsary dates and last November 1, 2012, we both decided to go to RWManila since its walking distance in my place, and we are going to watch Skyfall as well.

We tried Old Penang RS Restaurant, located in 4th floor of the Newport Mall in Pasay. Its like a casual dining restaurant.

By the way, for the curious minds out there asking what does RS stand for, well, I asked one crew there and he said RS stands for "Rasa Sayang" meaning "loving feeling".

Oh well, our budget led us to 2 diferrent food categories.

Noodles and Chicken.

Famous Penang Char Kway Teow 245php

Hainanese Roasted Chicken Rice 245php

They also serve: 

You may contact them on this number: 846-6063