Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Royal Canin: Dog Encyclopedia

I love DOGS, I want this for my birthday!I want this bad that I wrote a blog for this encyclopedia

Here's how it happened. Yesterday, after buying some supplies at Watsons, I dropped by Pet Express to check some good deals for my furbabies. Instead of looking for dog foods & treats, I spotted this dog encyclopedia near the counter, I went near it and browsed it. I knew it, the first time my hands held it, I said to myself "I WANT THIS. I WILL BUY THIS." My excitement that time went from 60% and now going for a jaw dropping 100%.

Now, this staff came next to me, perhaps he felt my undying interest with the encyclopedia, I asked him " How much is this?" And he said "Maa'm, sorry it is not for sale." And I said to myself "Oh noooooooo!, with all the cursing !@#$!!!!". My excitement went from a 100% to a -10%, it feels like something died inside of me. With a calm voice, I asked him once again "How do I get this encyclopedia then?" and he handed out this colored leaflet. He said "You have to win it through a raffle draw." And I was like more cursing! !@#$ !@#$ !@#$, I was never lucky on raffle draws. 

I stared at the leaflet for quite some time. I read it again. And again. 

~Get a chance to win one of the 100 LIMITED EDITION ROYAL CANIN DOG ENCYCLOPEDIA (My thoughts: CHANCE???- f***, limited edition- more f***)

~Get 1 Raffle Coupon for every purchase of any 1.5kg Breed Health Nutrition Products (My thoughts: 1.5kg of products would cost around 600php, if i buy 10, it will cost me 6000php, they'll give me 6 coupons, is it enough for me to win this??? HELL, NO. With 6000php, perhaps I could buy this book already)

With my denial, I rushed outside Pet Express, and I found myself walking inside The National Bookstore, i went to the counter if they have this encyclopedia and they said no.

My growing frustration makes me sad.

I checked Google, if Amazon, Ebay, Sulit, Ayosdito have this encyclopedia. But no. None of them.

And now, I've decided. I'll buy just one product and that will give me one coupon, and let's see.If its for me, then I'll win it. If not, maybe someone is more deserving than I am.

LAW OF ATTRACTION. Good vibes :) 

My mantra: I'll win this encyclopedia! I'll win this encyclopedia! I'll win this encyclopedia!