Thursday, September 13, 2012

Quitting Social Networking Sites

It has been five days since I deactivated my FB and T account.

Many people might question me why, since these two mega social networking sites are one of the easiest ways to connect to other people nowadays.

My number one issue: SECURITY

I just don't know whether I'm safe on these sites. The information & pictures I have posted there. Are they safe? Could other people use it against me or not. Could they check if someone's hacking my account or someone just created a bogus account of mine. 

(Paranoid, freakazoid me) 

One example is my sister, she has a legit account on FB, she was just surprised to find another account in her name, with her picture on it, mostly all that could be found on her legit account. It's scary. There are a lot of posers there at FB, because you could simply make an account whenever you want to. Worse is, that bogus account adds also the friends she has on her legit account and posts status that were really not true at all. You know, there are basically advantages and disadvantages.

Same thing with T. One friend of mine has the same issue. He was astonished that her girlfriend find another T account in his name and his picture and tweeting nonsense. Her girlfriend thought he was cheating on her. Good thing they fixed the issue.

My next issue: IT BORES ME NOW

Yes. It bores me. If I am correct, these two social networking sites started last 2009. Ever since, I always update. and see other people's status and whatever. It is just plain boring now.

You'll see one friend went to this place, and then your other friend, then the other. Same cycle. You'll also see who's bitchy to pose their slutty pictures on FB so they could attract men. You'll see the emo-type where all their post are like suicidal. You'll see different types of people here. 

You don't need to call or text your friends because you can see them on FB and T.

It really bores me now, because everyday, when I come to office, its the first thing I see and unfortunately the last one. Its like FB and T took my life, the way I live my life. I imagine myself when there's no social networking sites like this, I can say that I am more productive that time. I am more happy. More alive.


ROOT OF EVIL: It can ruin your relationships.

(Hey, I'm not saying ALL will do this. It is just POSSIBLE)

Do I have to explain myself further.

Here's the thing. 

Story #1 
You are in a relationship, then suddenly you see you ex's account, then you added her as a friend. You keep on stalking her account, eventually, you'll remember all the moments you had with her in the past. You miss her. You'll chat with her, share same thoughts. She's heartbroken. You'll comfort her and you agreed to go meet her. BOOM. Cheating.

You are marriedthen suddenly you see you ex's account, then you added her as a friend. You keep on stalking her account, eventually, you'll remember all the moments you had with her in the past. You miss her. You'll chat with her, share same thoughts. She's heartbroken. You'll comfort her and you agreed to go meet her. BOOM. Cheating.

OH, what I want to point out is this. Whatever your relationship status may be, cheating is cheating. Be careful. And please take note of the next sentence.


My last issue: THIS IS ME and MY FIANCEE's OPINION

WE both decided to deactivate our FB and T. We have our own reasons. 
We want to live normal lives-- happy lives. More time to rediscover ourselves and other people not through these social networking sites.

PS: FB and T (you know it)